Friday, December 21, 2007

And the crazy dreams commence

Less than three weeks to go and I will be in China! And you know what that means... yes, crazy dreams have started to haunt my sleeping hours. Last night I dreamt that I was supposed to have two roommates in my apartment in Chengdu. Right before I left the states, I checked my cell phone (which was one of those awesome razor cell phones, definitely not what I have in real life. Oh well, we're allowed to dream, aren't we?). As it turned out, I had two messages on my phone, which hadn't rung even once. The first message was from my first would-be roommate, calling to inform me that he was pulling out of the program and therefore would not be living in the apartment. The second was from my second roommate, who had found out that the first guy would no longer be living with us. She didn't want to pay extra rent, so she decided to move out of our apartment too. Which meant I was left with a three-person apartment all to myself (and three times the rent). She just thought it would be more cost-effective for each of us to have single-occupancy apartments, she explained. Later, I met the guy who pulled out of the program. He told me that he pulled out just to screw over some other kid who was going on the trip. See, he never actually intended to go to China, but he really had it in for the other kid (who might have been my second roommate). He thought that by getting into the program and then later pulling out, he could make this fellow who he really didn't like pay twice as much. All of a sudden, just like magic, we were all in China. These police officers came around for some reason or other, and, for some reason other, I spoke very sharply to them. Later I felt foolish. You don't want to get on the wrong side of the law, do you? Well, there you have it. Not as crazy as it could have been, but definitely indicative of my soon-to-be-in-Asia status.

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